SIL Homes for Investors
Are you an investor wanting a residential property with higher than market Rental Yields/
If yes, the demand for SIL homes completely outweighs any supply or even potential supply for these purpose designed and build houses Australia wide.
Projected and planned yields from 6% up to potential 9%, strong tenant being the SIL company and 3 – 5 year lease agreements in place linked to CPI.
Homes are built with only slight modification such as wider door ways and other small modification to suit NDIS participants and being only slight modifications, these homes are easily suited to a family wanting to live there. Exit strategy is not an issue with our product and recommendations.
For more detailed insights into this powerful investment opportunity, read here.
SIL Homes for SIL Providers wanting to own their own premises from which they run their business
Are you a SIL Provider struggling to find a house to accommodate your participants in and run your business from?
OR as a SIL Provider, do you know someone who wants to be the investor who owns the home, from whom you rent and run your own SIL provider business from with long term comfort that you are not going to have to move your business and participants elsewhere?
For more details if you are a SIL Provider and are interested in finding out more read here.